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Hi, here's an update covering our time to Agra and our visit to the magnificent Taj Mahal. This was also our first bout of sickness in India, and far from our last. Enjoy!
Welcome to the exciting world of the Indian train travel system!
The Taj Mahal was much more impressive than we even expected. Some tourist attractions turn out to be underwhelming, but the Taj Mahal was a spectacle. We also got an epic photobomb to take with us!
Relaxing in the shadow of the Taj!
Kyde made a friend!
Walking to another tourist attraction, we met this guy!
Agra Fort was an interesting place. It was beautiful and sad at the same time. The story states that the man who built the Taj Mahal was imprisioned by his son here and was only able to view his impeccable creation from afar!
You have to climb some of the scariest stair to get up there! It doesn't help when Eric is growling at the top!
This may be a place where they respect Eric's height! Carved the door especially for him!
Kyde enjoyed walking around on the cool marble without any shoes! There were no cows allowed in the fort, so the fear of cow patties was not a problem!
Our hotel was a different story. This cow really wanted to get a room!
You can see Noel on the right here! He's an awesome Irish traveler!
Kyde really enjoyed seeing the many different kinds of keys we encountered through our hotel stays. This hotel not only gave you the key but the lock as well! Watch the video for a tutorial on this complicated lock!
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