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After half a year in Europe we have arrived at our final stop: Athens. Our visit was just a taste of what Greece has to offer, but it's left us with a strong desire to revisit and get a proper look at the country and it's food. Especially it's food.
Our first glimpse of Greece.
So, our Airbnb was very...let's say, interesting.
But it had a rustic, but neat view.
Kyde looking tan from all that time in Croatia.
Seems legit.
Julius Caesar funded this stuff. That sort of blows the mind.
Made a friend.
The second best Parthenon in the world!
Eight or so Erics.
Hey girl.
Sweet kicks.
Wow fancy
Very cool little find.
Now that's an official fully.
Oh, Kyde. Haahaha.
Athens is neat.
Setting up a shot.
Very cool story around riot dogs.
Unexpected Japanese. 々
Sorry, Jon.
That moon!
The Parthenon is no slouch at night either.
We were really lucky to have a full moon out during our visit as well.
If you have time, check out places in daylight and after the sun goes down, it's like seeing the same place, but also a new place at the same time.
So, at this point in our Europe adventure we were pretty tired and spent some time catching up on sleep. This was a large part of Athens, to be honest. But it was pefect for what we needed.
Kyde observing some digital balls.
This is so weird, it's a piece of art that is a "blood battery" the artist powered a small speaker trough his own blood with.
Pumping out the jams.
More riot dog amazingness.
Our last night in Europe we found an open air movie theater to watch the newest Star Wars film at. With a view of the Parthenon and moon.
A sushi restaurant without Japanese on the menu.
Firing up coals.
Layover in Russia.
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