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We went back to Chiang Mai to check out a festival known as Loi Krathong. It was one of the most chaotic things we have experienced!
It was time to do laundry. We found a place which had good prices to use their machines, but we had to deal with this guy and his tech setup sitting next to the machines the whole time. Annoying!
Kyde's feet are looking good!
A snapshot from the Loi Krathong parade!
Loi Krathong is quite an explosive festival! There are floating lanterns being sent off into the sky as you can see here. Crazy kids are popping off roman candles at all angles. Combine New Years/4th of July fireworks with the fear of Halloween and you come close to the feeling of this celebration!
We saw hundreds of these lanterns go up during the night and started to wonder where they go down. While walking around, we found the landing place for one!
Jumping into the chaos!
A magical and slightly frightening photo!
Caught in the middle of everything!
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