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We thought that life would slow down a bit once we got into the groove with our new jobs, apartment and lives. We were very wrong about that. So, in keeping with just being crazy all the time, we decided to take a trip to Taiwan for summer vacation. Eric has always been interested in Taiwan and it's about time we jumped on a plane to find out what's going on there! In this leg of the adventure, we get to know Taipei! Lots of food and foot traffic! Enjoy!
We landed and got paid!
We very quickly caught our first glimpse of Taipei 101, one of the largest buildings in the world!
Then we took a break to admire it from the ground up!
Looking good!
We were surprised at how little was going on with the night-time display at Taipei 101. It looks good, but it could look amazing!
Blame it on the foreigner! We loved this poster! We did not eat on public transport because we also saw another poster explaining that if we did there would be a hefty fine!
Just swingin'!
We love finding new temple mascots to copy! This guy is one of the best!
Taipei Cityscape!
There is so much going on inside and outside of this building!
Eric spitting plum seeds!
We found ourselves on a very residental alley while wandering around. It's nice to get a peek at how people are living outside of the busy areas of the big city!
We saw a family letting off balloons at Gongming St in Tamsui!
Shilin Night Market was crazy, smelly and exciting!
Kyde learned how to play Mahjong Bingo and proceeding to lose happily!
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