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Hi. We're sitting in Regan National Airport in DC waiting for our flight back to Japan. We spent a really busy two weeks in Virginia buying clothes and candy to take back home. Here's the last part of the video series on our lives in Japan during 2011. Enjoy!
Met a pig just outside Kumagaya Station!
A little bit more Nordisk camping with Tommy and Emma!
I feel these aren't full directions.
Tommy and Kyde learned a lot about canoing that day... it makes your butt really wet!
Now that's a beer! Also, a side note about Kyde, she loves the Singha mascot! So cute!
This is how you get the ladies!
Kumagaya at dusk!
In the 1960s, Kumagaya was chosen to hold Japan's National Sports Festival. A huge park was erected with many stadiums, one of those being dedicated to rugby. We enjoyed our first rugby game and cheered for the Dynaboars. With a name like that, they have to the best right?
Just outside of one of our windows there is a nice home garden tended by a little old lady!
Heading out to meet friends for Halloween!
Mountain Dew... Warm? Gross!
Gyudon at home!
Ikea always provides some great photo ops!
Costco yet again making us feel like true Americans. Even Emma can't resist this sundae!
Our first Thanksgiving in Japan! Many more would follow!
You can just barely make out Kyde and Makiko standing below this old epic tower in Kawagoe!
Three indecisive girls trying to figure out where to eat lunch! We're doomed!
So many wishes and just one Eric!
When our buddies get a bath, we hang them out to dry in the sunshine!
About to go down the best slide ever!
It's very hard to describe this slide well enough in words. Please watch the video!
A perfectly placed Kyde makes this photo a little less perverse!
Playing around at a temple after a day of geocaching!
A Kumagaya mural!
If you need a giant stone statue for anything, this is probably the one you should buy!
Celebrating St. Lucia and enjoying our Swedish sides! Eric is a Star Boy!
We love this city!
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