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This update covers our second visit to Seoul, including Wayne Rooney the chicken, our Indian Visa applications and one of the most intense moments of my life, Korea scoring a goal during the World Cup. Enjoy!
Heading back into Seoul!
Eric got some good advice from an awesome stranger to bring me some flowers!
In the search for Wayne Rooney the Chicken!
We found him! He looks thrilled!
It was Kyde's birthday and all she wanted was a haircut! We talked with the reception lady at our hotel. Kyde explained through motions that she wanted shoulder length hair. The lady totally understood and wrote out this note! We went to a cheap barber shop, which turned out to be mainly for men, and got our hair did!
Hanging out at the Brit's apartment talking to Kyde's Mom on Skype.
Celebrating the World Cup game with the best company, a million people!
After a South Korean win, we all celebrated!
We have never seen this many law enforcement officials in one place at one time! Soccer is a serious threat to security!
When South Korea wins soccer games, it rains Coca-Cola!
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