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Eric got his driver's licence in Japan after nearly a decade so we decided to celebrate with a road trip out to the Fuji region to check out fall colors!
Getting a taste of those fall colors while Kyde recovers from feeling like she needs to honk.
Wow, what a dude. Really loving finding bugs more than ever lately.
Fuji is hiding there, shy as always.
She's taking a picture of me...
...while I'm taking a picture of her.
Really though, even when its in clouds it's an awesome sight.
Check out that crowd on the bridge. And this is during a "low tourist" year!
The view from the bridge is kinda neat, but the number of people is more impressive hahaha.
Test shot for a thumbnail we didn't follow through with.
This spot had really cool views with the lake, mountain and leaves. Lots of people were lining up their perfect shot.
This was as close to perfect as we got, hahaha.
Peaceful moment in an area of slight chaos.
This little dude greeted us at the hotel hahaha.
Taking some dope car in-front-of-Fuji photos.
This is what making a video looks like.
Kyde coping with the bright light hahaha
The wind up there was out of control.
Is Fuji the best mountain?
We took a zillion of these photos for a thumbnail and none of them looked good hahaa.
Yea, it was this cold out.
Back down to the lakes and the fall colors.
Kyde is drawn to stuff like this. Maybe we will make some videos about abandoned stuffs.
Neat tree.
I have no idea, don't ask. Haha.
Back in the city and it was pouring rain. Dang it.
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