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Here's an update from from when we spent a week or so in Dubai in the UAE. We spent 10 days in Dubai recovering from being sick in India. It's HOT there, so instead of wandering around in the blistering (110+) heat during the day, we'd hang around our hotel room until the sun went down. Then, we'd head out and explore the city at night. Enjoy!
After a whirlwind escape from India, we landed at the base of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest manmade structure in the world! We were jaw dropped when we saw it!
Not quite yet!
With giant buildings comes giant interior design!
Whose up for violating an embargo?
Storming the castle!
Finding interesting road signs is one of the fun parts of traveling!
Our first camel crossing sign!
We have definitely reached the Middle East!
Eric romping around in the dunes! You can see come camels in the right side of the photo!
Kyde was still recovering from our India illness, but she was excited about the desert, too!
The only question we have is how many can we get?
To celebrate 1 year of traveling, we hit the indoor slopes at Ski Dubai!
Kyde tried out skis once again, but she still likes snowboarding better. She did get a little of a hang for it!
The temperature in there was incredibly cold! Snuggle for warmth on the ride up!
Threezy! We found a cockroach in our hotel room. Kyde decided to keep it as a pet. Turns out that cockroaches don't like lettuce!
We found a beautiful Arabian pony!
This explains itself... or doesn't!
Experiencing Ramadan for the first time was eye opening. We were able to buy food from McDonald's, but we had to return to the seclusion of our hotel room to eat it. It made Kyde feel like a food bandit!
Hanging out at the fishbowl!
When our time in Dubai was over, we had to let Threezy go. We thought a Ritz was a good sending off present! YUM!
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