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Here's a video and lots of pictures covering our adventures from Colorado to Las Vegas during our trip across the states. Enjoy!
Kyde's car is perfect for camping in, so we were able to pull over anywhere and set up camp easily. It was a bit shocking to find this outside of the car when we woke up!
Not only did we wake to find a carcass, but we also realized we were right by a river canyon!
This could be a serious danger!
This sign was the most exciting thing in the whole valley!
This picture needs a little explanation. A month before we took this trip, I was looking at the pictures on a bunch of Jones Sodas at the store. I happened upon this bottle with such a perfect picture since I knew we would be going to Colorado. I hid the bottle from Eric until we passed the state line, which is a pretty amazing feat for me! I can't keep a sweet secret like that, but I did! Upon crossing the line, we had a good drink! Also, Sitwell is so handsome!
New Mexico, eh?
This is the monument at 4 Corners. 4 Corners is where the four states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Arizona meet each other. So, at this point, you can be in four states at one time! Kyde tried to her best!
Eric had a much better idea!
Arizona's sign is pretty nice!
Protect Sitwell!
Again, keep him safe!
This was our first view of the Grand Canyon. It was pretty nice because we couldn't actually see the canyon that well. It left a little mystery for the morning when we woke up!
Okay, seriously?
Trust us. It needs to be said.
The decent begins!
We stopped for a Canyon Celebration!
It looks just like that and it's hard to see it when the sun is in your eyes!
No note needed. Just awesome!
Hanging out on the edge.
That edge wasn't enough of a rush for Kyde, so she found her way out to a tip that felt right!
Oh My!
Visiting one of Sitwell's favorite places! The Hoover Dam!
Could it be that we'd landed in Las Vegas? Yes!
We wandered into the Bellagio Casino and found this ceiling filled with glass-blown art!
Kyde is terrible at gambling. She totally lost $2!
Thanks for the book, Mom!
Once you've seen the Sphinx in person, it's a bit of an insult to the real thing to see this!
How exactly did all these footprints get up there? We tried to add to the collection and found it impossible!
Let us just say that it's everything that everyone says it is! Heaven!
Oh, how she missed Christmas lights!
Enjoying the fire at the Hooters Casino. Honestly, it was the best part. Way to disappoint, Hooters!
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