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I decided to head out on a solo journey to Hokkaido via hitchhiking to try something new, meet new people and practice my Japanese. Hope the video series turns out at least half as interesting as the experience has been! Enjoy!
Everything I brought with me!
I made it to Koriyama in just a few hours! Awesome first day!
Sup girl?
New friends everyday!
One of the best couchsurfing experiences I have ever had.
Found another friend.
Haha, a Ferris Wheel at a baseball game?! Awesome.
Some things just scream "Hey, you are in Japan!"
The path back to my CouchSurfing room looks awesome at night.
I bought a beer for a monk! Haha.
The festival begins!
"Hey, let's hike up that hill."
No Pokemon GO at the shrine, ya'll!
Sendai's Tanabata Festival is coming!
Darth Vader's inspiration? Maybe!
Aim for Aomori!
Parking areas have become some of my favourite places!
I made it!
Oh my god, really?
Moving the drums into place.
It was wonderful to see how the floats worked.
A serious operation!
Seeing them lit up was unbelievable.
7/11 even had some awesome artwork up!
Fingerbang bench.
New bros.
More new bros!
The little VW engine that could.
Easily the coolest I have ever been.
Oh my god. I'm on the sun.
Traditional chopstick holder.
Even more new bros!
Dropping the panties.
Looking good!
Small town tracks.
Seriously, why are they all facing the same direction?
Saw lots of signs on this trip about Pokemon Go.
Regret incoming.
Dag girl.
Yet another hooter.
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