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After a week on the Big Island we took a flight over to explore Kauai! It's still certainly Hawaii but with a different look and vibe all together and may be one of the most beautiful places we have ever seen. Don't miss it if you are in the area.
Kyde rocking the freshest brands.
Not exactly noteworthy at this point, but check that out.
Waffles! As Donkey would make.
Spend an entire day shopping that we didn't film, this is the first time Eric has been in jeans in a good 20 years. Didn't buy them, haha.
Loading up.
America has lost it's mind, haha. This is a cereal cookie that could kill a large land mammal from sugar alone.
The view from our room really is something.
Cool Christmas tones.
This sign says "Nude Show" in Japanese.
Getting some b-roll of the rain.
We thought this would make a nice shot for a thumbnail, but Kyde is too light sensitive to keep from squinting hahaha.
So we used this instead.
Check out that water color!
Got a pretty rad picture of a sailboat from the top of Diamond Head. I googled the boat later and found out recently the mast broke and killed someone. Didn't expect that.
Why do people need to go where they aren't supposed to for a photo? The sign says it's dangerous, is that extra 2 feet all the difference? This is something we notice when Stateside.
More folks getting that perfect shot!
Kewl bendy bus.
Kinda surprised to see Japanese written in not-Japanese. But let me tell you, there are a LOT of Japanese tourists on Oahu.
"The best Loco Moco in Waikiki." We didn't try it, haha.
That's not a good sign.
The elevator sucks so much it has a blog.
Sorry, I know its gross. But this was the first thing we had to sort when arriving, eviction of a rat.
...but that view.
This is a little car.
Check out that whale painting though! This is a 7/11 parking lot, haha.
Basically Hawaii is a long way from everywhere.
In case we are playing for points, here are our official numbers.
We didn't mention it in the video, but just behind Kyde by the river was a man sleeping / ....uhh..."playing" with himself.
Apparently some people just eat the shrimp without peeling them, but I don't know if I can get down on that. But it'd be cleaner, that's for sure.
Nice Pea.
They filmed some of the greatest film of all time here! You could go in and see the area it was filmed, but it was really expensive so we skipped it.
Something is a little different....
"Hey, this might make a good thumbnail."
Natural shade on a beach is wonderful.
Seal selfie.
Just hanging out, as you do.
This is worth a lens change, haha.
Little marker at the northern most point of the island.
Not us, but a nice picture of some folks.
We are back to the hotel, let's hop in the elevator and relax!
Oh. Oh yea.
It's great fun to show people here in Japan this blue/purple mochi. Blue food has a weird stigma here, so people are generally pretty surprised.
Super day.
Behind the scenes. Always adding sunscreen!
Not the good kind of hot dog. Take care of your buddies!
We were worried someone was going to jack Little Piece of Shit.
Hawaii still looks awesome.
Kind of a sketchy place to sit, but look at that water color!
Kitty selfie.
One kitty was hiding on the tire.
You know the "bad English" meme of things people find in Japan? This is that in the other direction, but it's not funny it just doesn't make sense.
Kyde slamming through some puddles.
Big dude.
America is a wild place, don't know if I have ever seen a country's leaders marketed to international tourists in a way like this anywhere else.
I mean....what?
Lip balm? Weird stuff.
Elevator update.
Just swinging by the courthouse, as one does on vacation.
These trees never get old.
Not a friendly kitty, a suspicious kitty.
Rad mermaid cave.
...bit small though.
Don't look at the girls, ya'll.
So, we know this isn't our typical style of thumbnail, but we used it to see if a girl in a swimsuit really does drive more traffic. Note the previous video had a similar thumbnail without the bathing suit to see a baseline.
Donkey. Hahhaa.
Stumbled across a really nice swing on the side of a mountain.
Killer sunset view.
I wonder how cops react to this when they inevitably pull her over.
Bit surprised this laundrymat hasn't burnt down.
It's not many things we crave from The States, but Arby's was on the list to hit, which we did at the last possible minute.
A Japanese take on Hawaiian food in Hawaii. I ordered in Japanese. This is a bit mind bending.
Our traditional Star Wars movie viewing while abroad.
Some how we ended up at Panda Express. The portion was absurdly huge, we shared it and left stuffed. I guess for the price it was tolerable.
No comment.
Kyde napping on a battleship.
Neat chopper.
Kind of a lame VR experience.
Eric does not fit in submarines.
Back in the city, that's a dude peeing on a trashcan.
Just a reminder of how awesome the view from our (horrible) hotel room was.
This is what the view looks like when Kyde hasn't taken an hour to fix the broken blinds, however.
Motionless elevators.
Due to all the Japanese tourism there is a TON of omiyage aimed at them. But...we literally have had this flavor in Japan, so I don't trust it.
Headed home.
The view from the plane wasn't too bad at all. Check out the moon.
First meal back in Japan!
We spent a day hanging out in Osaka before headed back to Tokyo.
There is an amazing pinball arcade in Osaka we checked out again, surprised to find this rare machine themed after one of Eric's favorite bands.
Almost home.
What it takes to make a Hawaii series. Thanks for coming along with us!
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