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We spent a rainy but fun day at the very crowded Tokyo Game Show! Video games are fun!
We made it! Now to figure out how to get inside!
It was a miracle that we ended up with this ticket without a big headache! We're in!
One of the first boothes we found! GAMES!
Hatsune Miku was there!
If there is one thing that could make our gaming experience better, it's BIG CATS!
I love mascots!
Kyde showing off her terrible ability to understand games on the first go. She died shortly after!
Pretty Freebies!
Warning: This game will probably cause vomiting if played too much!
When it comes to vegetables, Kyde knows how to take control! That gun is awesome!
The lines for the games were a bit long, but it was cool to try the new equpiment. Kyde was embarassed when her screen showed a big "FAILURE" to all the gamers behind her. Granted it was her first time playing Jubeat.
The cosplay was fun and Chun-li was impressive.
Side boob side note: Those boobs are shockingly real!
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