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This update shows our visit to the "famous" Death Railway Bridge right outside of Kanchanaburi - it is featured in the old film and novel "The Bridge on the River Kwai.
One awesome tree house!
The view from the Death Railway Bridge.
Beep Beep!
Safety first! We would need it!
The view from one of our first "out in the middle of nowhere" adventures!
Monkey school?
An almost vertical ride to the top!
At the top of the temple, we found some spiritual cuteness!
It doesn't get more Asian than this!
Making the long walk back down!
This story needs a little explanation. The motorbike pictured above took us through our first spill on the highway! We were super lucky to only end up with some scratches!
Kyde didn't get hurt when we laid down the bike, but she did get some mean elbow sunburn!
We made our way to Erawan Waterfall Park and found this warning!
If you visit Erawan Waterfall Park, go to the top! It's an incredible experience!
Standing under a waterfall makes your hair look good! Real good!
The park is made of levels which each contain a waterfall. This is one of the middle level waterfalls and it was gorgeous as well! So much eye candy!
We found our way underneath the flows of another waterfall!
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