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This update covers the end of our trip in China. There are a lot of videos in this update, if you just want the normal fun clip videos watch the first three. For more fun stuff, the last two videos are just Eric having a fit about the reasons we don't want to go back to China anytime soon. You can't say you weren't warned. Enjoy!
Eric standing outside of the Great Hall of the People.
We can only imagine what this guy did to deserve this punishment!
Probably the largest abacus we'll ever encounter!
It might actually be worse when they translate the menu!
We met a bulldog next door to our hostel. His name was King. He really liked Kyde... a lot!
Hanging out at the Great Wall! This man in the picture with Eric was trying to sell us something, but was having a serious drooling problem!
The BEE!
From every perspective, the Great Wall is incredible. The scenery is beyond what pictures or words could ever explain and the experience itself is overwhelmingly pleasing! Notice on the right side of this picture you can see the Great Wall winding it's way across the ridges behind us!
Taking a break to do some swinging!
This was the mess that we left in our hotel in Beijing! We weren't trying to be slobs, but the service in this place sucked!
We visited the Nine-Dragon Wall and the tile work was impressive! How this intricacy is possible, we will never know!
One of the more sporty rides in Beijing. This is actually a pretty interesting automobile. It is basically a motorcycle which has been modified into a tricycle and put in a box! They are used for delivery and taxi services. We used these quite a bit! You get to ride facing backward!
Is that a robot raising the flag?
We jumped in line with the anxious Chinese people and visited Mao, whose body is on display in the Memorial Hall. We were not allowed to take pictures, but we can tell you that the perservatives they are applying to him have him looking quite orange!
This is the gate to the Forbidden City, which is gorgeously lit at night. This is about the best photo op you'll get with Mao, unless you break the rules!
We happened to be in Beijing during their Memorial Day. Not only were there tons of tourists about, but this day is a big pilgrimage day for Chinese people to visit national monuments like the Forbidden City. We got swept up in the drifts!
After walking through the Forbidden City and seeing native Chinese people publically pissing in a few locations, we lost a little patience and respect. Public urination happens all the time on the streets of Beijing and you just learn to look the other way, but it really is a disgraceful situation when they don't respect their own national monuments.
We visited the Donghuamen Night Market to find some interesting snacks. We were successful! In this picture, Kyde eats a honey-covered strawberry and pineapple kebab! We also found some delicious shark to munch on!
China seriously has a public urination problem. If explaining that their citizens were peeing on the wall of their own national monument wasn't enough, they are bringing in specially designed public toilet buses to help reduce the tendency people have to just pop a squat!
A very beautiful evening reflection we saw on the way back to our hostel!
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