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our first day in Myanmar was a big eye opener. We got on our feet immediately and were on the street in no time finding things to see, eat and enjoy! There was no time to spare! Yangon was a very big change from Japan and even Taiwan which we took a trip to most recently. Myanmar blew us away with it's smiles and hospitality!
In the air with lots of leg room!
The best time to plan the trip is on the plane on the way!
This is a very common site we see. It's our GPS and it's telling us that we've made it to Myanmar!
I don't think that's politically correct.
Nope, try again!
our first real view of Myanmar as the sunrose over Yangon! It was just gorgeous!
Finally a good night sleep on a nice bed courtesy of our great couchsurfing hosts!
This was the name of our home for a little bit!
The Independence Obelisk!
Visiting Sule Pagoda, a very big tourist stop, but forgot to take a picture of the actual thing! Making video has taken over! We did get a picture later in the evening, so you'll see it below.
Kyde's nemesis in the 3rd world!
An average apartment building in Yangon!
It's like we are at the preschool tables at work! Why are the tables so small here?
This is one of the most interesting things about Burmese religion/horoscope to Kyde. When visiting shrines/pagodas or checking your horoscope in Myanmar you use the day of the week that you were born to worship or plot about the future. Kyde is a Tuesday baby, so she found her corner of the pagoda!
GOLD! The pagoda was covered in gold!
The pagoda also had a pretty big pond where people were feeding tiny to massive turtles! You can see Kyde on the little bit of the deck that pokes out!
Eric got an itch to take a boat ride which turned out to be a bit more than expected!
Regardless, we had a great time with our captain!
The sunset was very nice that night!
We got waves from many boat goers and it was nice to see them out doing their jobs!
This is one of the more crazy things we've seen in the world! This ferris wheel is not powered by electricity. Yes, the lights are, but the ferris wheel itself is not. So you might be thinking... how does it go?
There are guys at the bottom of the wheel and they will walk to move the wheel slowly to load up the people. When the ferris wheel is full, they head to the top...
And use their body weight on the bottom of the carriages to give the ferris wheel it's momentum! It was one of the fastest ferris wheels rides Kyde has ever taken and Eric was actually a bit scared! We loved it!
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