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This update covers when we were in Cambodia's thrilling lawless capital. A bit of a warning: the last two videos are a bit hard to watch considering some of the content, but we thought it was important to share some of the things we learned no matter how awful they may have been. Enjoy?
Eric took a nighttime stroll to the Royal Palace!
A bit of movement surrounding the Independence Monument.
You don't see a North Korean Embassy in every country!
Heavy Security!
A tragically beautiful picture from S21.
Hair? What's going on here?
Trust us. It needs to be said!
The original bird!
Phnom Pehn is home to a surprisingly excellent fountain show!
In a tuk tuk on our way to the Killing Fields.
A warning on the way into the Killing Fields. Are you serious?
The building you see is a commemorative stupa filled with the skulls of victims of the Khmer Rouge genocide. You can enter the building, but know that it is intense!
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