
Hi, I'm Kyde! What would I want to know about me if I didn't know me? My birthday was June 11, 1985. I was born and raised in Virginia. So, I have a pretty neutral American accent, unless I get upset and then it's all southern! I have never lived anywhere else except Japan, which was a pretty big change!

Some might consider me a dork! I love things like math, video games, geocaching and hand crafts. My current hobbies are taking pictures with mascots (of any kind) and playing crane games for super cute stuffed animals! I love driving and enjoy taking super long trips!

I never thought that I would travel the world or live in another country. I'm just the kind of person that agrees to outrageous ideas. I enjoy a challenge and am usually up for anything (except skydiving)! Which is probably pretty good for Eric since he comes up with some crazy ideas!


Hey! I was born on April 17, 1980 in Oregon. Shout out to my Oregon roots, what what! I spent my childhood all over California from the bay area to a farm near Yosemite to a orange field in SoCA. When I was a teenager my family moved to Virginia where I got into the punk rock music. I played in lots of bands and recorded some albums until I was about 30. If you are curious I have a collection of things I recorded over the years here. I'm also super into early NASA manned space exploration. The Gemini spacecraft is just so chic!

After watching Ewan McGregor's "Long Way 'Round" in 2008 it hit me that the planet is pretty small (it's totally not) so I went out and bought a world map to hang on the wall and pinned places I wanted to go so when Kyde came home from work I could convince her to go around the world with me. Then we did it! Now it's now and we live in Japan! Some day I'll convince Kyde to go skydiving.

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Email: kydeanderic(at)


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